Tein ensin "tavallisen" vaahdotetun karitevoin avokadoöljyllä ja laventelin eö:llä höystettynä, lisänä hitunen E-vitamiiniöljyä. Kerrankin onnistuin vaahdottamaan sopivasti, sain voit purkkeihin varsin nätisti. Seuraavaksi oli vuorossa "Eksoottiset voit" - eli korvasin osan karitesta mango-, avocado- ja aloe voilla. Öljynä käytin jojobaa ja tuoksuttamiseen Rose Absolutia. Tätä vaahdotin taas liian kauan, viimeiset voit ovat purkissa kökkäreinä.
Myös huulirasvat olivat lopussa, niinpä niitäkin piti valmistaa. 8½:sta Suklaasydän-huulivoidepalasta riittää muillekin kokeiluun. Kokeiltavaksi tein myös voidepaloja laventelin tuoksuisena.
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Koko satsi |
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Vasemmalla "Eksoottiset voit", oikealla karitevoi. Vähän värieroa? |
Today I made some body butters. These cold winter weathers, long pants and central heating have done their work so well that is time to use fattier body lotions. And I noticed that one little girl in my family needs more caring to her cheeks, so I made little jar of butter for her too. And my brother's wify has been asking some products to try during this autumn so I needed to do something for her as well.
First I made "ordinary" whipped shea butter with avocado oil and lavender eo and little hint of vitamin E. This time I managed to whip just right time and I got butter to jars quite nicely. Next one was "Excotic butters" - I replaced part of shea by mango-, avocado- and aloe butters. Oil was jojoba and I sentenced this butter with Rose Absolut. This time I whipped too much - once again - so last part of the butter is clumpy.
I didn't have any lip balms left so I made also some of them. 8½ pieces is enough for somebody else too. I also made some little lotion bars for my brother's wify to try.