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Hiusvesi - Hair Water
n. 1/4 plloa risiiniöjyä / castor oil
n. 3/5 plloa aloemehua + -geeliä / aloe juice + -gel
loput taikapähkinävettä / witch hazel water
n. 5 ml Cosgard - säilöntäainetta / preservative
n. 5 ml NeoAmiseptia /NeoAmisept desinfection liquid
n. 5 ml E-vitamiinia / vitamin E
n. 5 ml kauraproteiinia / oat protein
14 tippaa kanelin eö / cinnamon eo
12 tippaa inkiväärin eö / ginger eo
10 tippaa kamferin eö / camphor eo
loraus teepuun eö / tea tree eo
5 kofeiinitablettia /caffeine pills
Panthenolia / Panthenol
Joulupakettiin päätyi tämän ja partasaippuan lisäksi myös pieni pullo partabalsamia - joka oli niinkin yksinkertaista, että lisäsin itse käyttämääni aloe-öljyseokseen piparminttuöljyä.
My dad has same kind of dry skin and scalp as I have and he also suffers the lack of the sun light in winter time. That is why he has used this hair water for years. I looked at the INCI list and I was horrified because of the amount of preservative there is. I wanted to try if I could make more sensitive version at home. That store-bought stuff has castor oil and coumarin besides of water and preservatives. Of course I have castor oil, but coumarin?!? I don't know if I could have get it from somewhere, but if I remembered right cinnamon has that poisonous stuff in it, so I added cinnamon essential oil and ginger, campher and tea tree essential oils as well. As active substance there is also caffeine, Panthenol, oat protein and vitamin E. I didn't measure ingredients, I only poured them straight to the bottle by rule of thumb. Because this is not emulsified, you need to shake bottle well before using it.
There is no using experience yet, but I'm waiting for comments from my dad!
Dad got this as Christmas present, and also beard soap and little bottle of beard balsam - and that was so simple, that I only added some peppermint eo to aloe-oil mix I use as day cream myself.
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