perjantai 12. joulukuuta 2014

Boostattu kasvonaamio - Boosted face mask

Ihoni on kirkunut lisähoivaa muuallakin, kuin vain vaatteiden alla. Talvi, stressi, lämmin ja huono sisäilma viikolla ja raaka järvituuli ovat aiheuttaneet sen, ettei pelkkä rasvaaminen enää riitä. Niinpä olen viikonloppuisin yrittänyt paikata tilannetta naamioilla - ja boostaamalla niitä vähän tehokkaammiksi niillä aineilla, mitä kaapista löytyy. Lisäsin jauhemaiseen naamiopohjaani vähän panthenolia ja MSM-rikkiä, ja nesteosuuteen lisäsin tavanomaisen soijajogurttini ja hunajan kaveriksi lusikallisen sulatettua kookosöljyä. Hyvin toimii!

My skin has screamed extra care taking not only under my clothes but elsewhere too. Winter, stress, warm and bad indoor air during the week and raw wind from the lake has caused that using creams is not enough anymore. That is why I have tried to retrieve the situation with face masks - and boosting them with everything I can find from my cabins. I added little bit of panthenol and MSM-sulfur to my powdered face mask base and then I added one teaspoon of melted coconut oil to the liquid part with soy yogurt and honey. Works nicely!

4 kommenttia:

  1. It's very rewarding when you take time for pampering yourself, i'm sure skin remembers it. I admit,I'm pretty inconsistent in doing so, other than every day,regular care.
    Can you reveal why sulfur? It's good for acne skin,but for dry...?

    1. I must admit, that I only used sulfur, because I had it in my cabin, and I made sulfur cream earlier. But I've read that sulfur is important for the formation of collagen. Sulfur is strong protein fiber and it helps skin, nails and hair to be more flexible.It has some other heath effects too, I eat it myself and I give it to both of my doggies.

  2. What an nourishing mask, Sini! I will have to try MSM in mask too, thanks for this idea!

    1. MSM kind of tingles on the face,so if you are very sensitive, please try carefully!
