Olen rakastunut - nimittäin uusiin hammasharjoihini. Jokin aika sitten luin (muistaakseni Nooran Kemikaalicocktailista) tutkimuksesta, jossa puiset leikkulaudat todettiin muovisia hygieenisemmiksi. Silloin vaihdoin muoviset hiuskampani bambuisiin, ja nyt reilusti myöhemmin myös hammasharjani. Minun logiikallani tuo muovi-puu -vastakkainasettelu toimii muissakin välineissä, kuin vain leikkuulaudoissa. Ja ah, nämä bambuiset ovat niin paljon esteettisempiäkin, ja tuntuvat sitä paitsi paljon miellyttävämmiltä!
I'm in love - with my new tooth brushes. While ago I read about one study (from Noora's Kemikaalicocktail blog, if I remember right) that showed wooden chopping boards more hygienic than plastic ones. I changed my plastic hair combs to bamboo combs then and now I did the same with my tooth brushes. My logic says that this plastic-wooden confrontation works with other instruments too, not only with chopping boards. And oh, these bamboo ones are much more esthetical and they feel much more comfortable!
I'm in love - with my new tooth brushes. While ago I read about one study (from Noora's Kemikaalicocktail blog, if I remember right) that showed wooden chopping boards more hygienic than plastic ones. I changed my plastic hair combs to bamboo combs then and now I did the same with my tooth brushes. My logic says that this plastic-wooden confrontation works with other instruments too, not only with chopping boards. And oh, these bamboo ones are much more esthetical and they feel much more comfortable!
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