Värimössö ei saanut hautua kuin tunnin - puolitoista, koska Light Mountainissa on suurimmaksi osaksi indigoa. Päässä se sai olla reilut pari tuntia.
Lopputulos on aika hyvä ja tasainen, toivottavasti väri kestää tällaisena.
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Jokseenkin hankalaa kuvata omaa lettiään takaapäin... ;) |
My grey hair roots were so long again, that my hair started look very untidy because of that. I put lots of colour to my whole head, for a long time I only coloured my roots. I mixed ½ box of Satva and ½ box of Light Mountain's Medium Brown, because if I use only brown that makes my hair too dark. I added 1 teaspoon of nettle and same amount of paprika powder, little bit of lemon juice and vinegar and olive oil with lemon. I put too much water, mix was too thin and was running under my hat.
The colour mix got a brew only an hour or hour and half, because there is mostly indigo in Light Mountain. I let the mix stay on my head about couple of hours.
The result is quite good and smooth, I hope the colour will last like this for a long time.
Kaunis väri! Mitenköhän minä rohkaistuisin ja uskaltaisin kokeilla hennaa. Arkena minua ei haittaa harmaat hiukset kun niitä on vain ykstittäisiä, mutta juhlissa se on vähän tylsää. Värjäsin pahimman kohdan ripsarilla kun olin 70v juhlissa :D
VastaaPoistaKiitos, itsekin tykkäsin! :) Toivottavasti nyt vain kestäisi jokseenkin tuommoisena.
PoistaEikö ripsari jäänyt kököiksi tukkaan? Ei muuta kuin seuraavalla kauppareissulla Satva-paketti matkaan ja vapaapäivänä mättämään mömmöä päähän... ;) Siulla on niin tumma tukka, ettei voi mennä pahasti pieleen. Monet turhaan varoittelevat sotkusta, miusta tämä ei ole yhtään sotkuisempaa, kuin muillakaan kotiväreillä värjääminen, päinvastoin. Aikaa vaatii toki enemmän, mutta koti- ja pihahommia pystyy tekemään värimössö päässäkin.
Ei jäänyt pakkuja. Käytin kaupan vanhaa ripsaria joka löytyi kaapista.
PoistaNo, käyhän se värjäys niinkin, jos aamuisin riittää aika... ;D Eikä sade yllätä...
PoistaI have never used colorants for my hair but since several months I have been thinking of it seriously because I discover every day a new grey hair :) ..I don't know if I can find here Satva...I will have to search more about it. Thanks for sharing your hair 'secrets', Signe!
VastaaPoistaKirppu said same thing about grey hair! :D If you never have coloured with commercial hair colours, please don't start now. That PPD in them is so poisonous, that you don't want to use them anywhere near you. I used them about 25 years, and I'm so happy I didn't get any allergic reaction from them. I'm almost sure, you can find some kind of henna from your supermarket (I buy Satva, when I go to grocery store), and from iHerb you can order Light Mountain's henna mixes, if you are interested in them.
PoistaI am kind of scared of colouring my hair with so called ' natural' colorant, even if I have found some different brands in my bio shop...Though I was thinking about henna...but I will have to investigate this within some months.Thanks, Signe, for sharing your experience, it will be useful.
VastaaPoistaIs your hair light or darker? If you have light hair, plain henna makes it orange. And with natural colorants you can't get hair any lighter. Many brands say they colours are natural, but most of them really aren't, so if you really want to use natural colourants, be careful. Do some research beforehand. What are you scared of, exactly? You can have an allergic reaction from PPD using it first time, or fiftieth time, so that is something to worry about.
PoistaMy hair is brown, dark, Signe! I am afraid of allergies.. I now there are so many women who use commercial dyes as you also sais, and have nothing but I am sure that it woldn't be the same in my case( I am too sensitive about those stuff, I can barely stand any parfum ...but who knows, maybe it will be though different).
PoistaThen don't use any commercial dyes. If you still want to colour your hair at some point, try henna. Because you have already dark hair, only thing that can go wrong is that you don't see any difference. (and if you have totally grey or white hair, they will be orange if you use just henna - there should be indigo too, if you want the result to be brown). Commercial dyes often have very strong smell or scent in them, henna smells only like hay - and that will last few days...:)
PoistaWhat a nice colour, Signe! (If you had only turned your head toward the camera, would have been even nice,lol).
VastaaPoistaI'm one of those who dyes her hair, and I used to do it only 2 times a year. Now, things have changed, I need to do it more frequently and unfortunatelly, I do it with commercial dyes. Who knows, maybe one day I change it....
Thanks - I took that photo myself, it was kind of hard to pose at all... ;)
PoistaI dyes about 6-10 times a year. 25 years I used commercial dyes too, and fortunately I didn't get any allergic reaction from them. But lately I've been reading about all that bad stuff in them, so one year ago I changed to henna. It's everybody's own choice of course, but I've been completely happy with mine.